FREE EVENT, 4/30/20: Strength in Numbers: How In-Market Operator Marketing Coalitions Drive Sales

Grow your future sales by harnessing the power of your own local operator community!

On Thursday, April 30th at 12:00pm EDT, Redeam is hosting a live-streaming Q&A event, Strength in Numbers: How In-Market Operator Marketing Coalitions Drive Sales, during which attraction sales and marketing leaders who have formed in-destination marketing coalitions will answer YOUR questions. These consortiums collectively drive more awareness, sales, and visitors to members’ respective attractions and activities.

Since the Q&A is always the best part of any event, this 45-minute session will bring you more of that! We’ll introduce our panelists, have them briefly talk about their marketing consortiums, and then turn the floor over to YOU!

You can ask questions like…

  • How and why did they get their coalitions started?
  • How they’ve formalized their groups and managed to maintain them?
  • What obstacles did they face?
  • What kind of successes (and failures) have they had?
  • How have they recruited other members

Plus, anything else that comes to your mind!

Join us for this not-to-be-missed limited capacity event – REGISTER NOW!!