Redeam’s “Think Lab” – A Live Brainstorming Session for Zoos and Aquariums to Ideate New Revenue Generation

Zoos and aquariums can take advantage of Redeam’s collective brainpower for new revenue-generating ideas during these challenging times

Redeam knows all too well that zoos and aquariums, forced to close by the COVID-19 outbreak, are struggling to feed their animals. Rather than just ask what we here can do to help, we have decided to experiment with a solution: The Redeam Think Lab.

In a one-time, 2-hour FREE Think Lab “blue sky” brainstorming session, Redeam will be harnessing collective and diverse brain power to ideate and collaborate on ways zoos and aquariums can drive revenue and raise much-needed funds. Take advantage of our offer to tap into seasoned marketers, sales folks, entrepreneurs, product developers, and engineers to help come up with new ideas to GENERATE CASH NOW!!

Availability is limited!

Think Labs work best when they’re intimate and facilitated. For this reason, we will only have space in our Think Lab session for 15 zoo/aquarium attendees, and only one person per organization can attend.

RSVP to Participate

Redeam’s Think Lab Live
for Zoos and Aquariums

Tuesday, May 12, 2020
11am to 1pm EDT

Please RSVP by completing the form below.