Redeam Set Sail to NYC for the Annual Intrepid Tourism Blow-Out

On June 17th, Redeam was proud to be a premier sponsor of the annual tourism party hosted at The Intrepid Sea and Air Museum . This event is New York City’s biggest tourism industry private gathering. The Intrepid, a non-profit, educational institution featuring the legendary aircraft carrier Intrepid, the space shuttle Enterprise, the world’s fastest jets and a guided missile submarine, is located on Manhattan’s west side, permanently moored on the Hudson River at Pier 86 on 46th Street and 12th Avenue. The view of this attraction from the street doesn’t do it justice. You really ought to see it from upriver as the picture on their website shows:

If you’ve never visited The Intrepid Sea and Air Museum, you may be interested to know they have the only sub that you can tour that once had nuclear bombs on board; that they house the first-ever Space Shuttle orbiter, the portion of the Space Shuttle that held the crew and payloads and which returned back to Earth; The Intrepid also has the world record-holding Concorde jet, which traveled across the Atlantic Ocean in 2 hours, 59 minutes and 53 seconds and the reconnaissance A-12 Blackbird, the fastest aircraft ever built!

Once you go through the main entrance building and take the glass-enclosed elevator up to the main Hangar Deck and Space Shuttle Pavillion, you get a sense of just how massive an aircraft carrier is. Since the party took place at the far end of the hall, we walked by three-quarters of the exhibits. We passed displays of life on an aircraft carrier, informational videos on large and small screens, full-sized airplanes parked within the body of the hall, and lots of other things that visitors can see and do. 

But honestly, that evening we were there for the people and the party. The event attracted over 400 attendees from hotel concierges to tour operators to the city’s tourism leaders from NYC & Company to boatloads (pun intended!) of other attraction and activity folk as well as OTAs, resellers, and other industry partners.

Here are some fun pix from our evening, and the old and new friends we made who we want to give shout-outs to:

First of all, is our host with the most, Jason Sullivan, Senior Manager – Groups & Tourism at the Intrepid, pictured here with Redeam’s CEO, Melanie Meador.

Melanie and Markus Boeker, Redeam’s Director of Sales, also had fun at the Hershey Chocolate World Times Square table with sponsor Julie Payne and Benjamin Maddy of the children’s immersive theater experience, Pip’s Island.   

And there’s Markus showing Eric Petersen and Bronwyn Howell of HeliNY Redeam’s latest technology (bottom left image).

We had a great time, as always, catching up with David Filipiak and his crew from the National Geographic Encounter: Ocean Odyssey (bottom right image). 

Here’s Redeam VP, Revenue, Joe Robinson, and Melanie caught in conversation with Stephen Skidgel of Hotelbeds, and the crew on the rooftop of one of the Sightseeing Pass buses headed back to Times Square.

(Speaking of Times Square, what a fun coincidence that when we returned there, we also literally crossed paths with another one of Redeam’s clients, Dan Rogoski’s The RIDE buses! That’s us those passengers are waving to!)

A few other Redeam friends to mention: Dave Falsetti and Brian Scullin of OTA Musement; DeeDee Aguilar, Group Sales Manager at The New York Philharmonic ; Keith Douglas, Managing Director of Legends/One World Observatory; Haley Ward, Sales Director at Hudson Yards Experiences ; Jim Vozzella, Area Sales Manager – USA East at Big Bus Tours ; Stephen Braun, Marketing Manager for Tourism at The Met ; Andrew Gustafson, Vice President of Turnstile Tours NYC ; and the team at GetYourGuide .

It was an incredible evening and our crew had a great time. We’re so fortunate to have The Intrepid as such a fantastic client partner, and we hope to see everyone we met again very soon!